I'm not sure if I used the title before, but I really am.
I didn't post in a whole week. The last post before this week's Friday Five was last week's Friday Five.
It's the weather. It's just way too cold, to be productive.
57 minutes ago
E-mail Blogeline at Blogeline at gmail dot com
Michael Schumacher is set to try and beat a fighter jet plane in his Ferrari.
The race, which will take place on December 11, has been arranged by Italian defence minister Antonio Martino.
It will see the Formula 1 champion competing against a Eurofighter plane at the Grossetto air base in Tuscany.
Halte dieser "brain drain" an, so der aus Hamburg stammende Forscher, bestehe die Gefahr, dass künftig einige Kommunen Brandenburgs hauptsächlich von "arbeitslosen Stadtdeppen ohne Chance auf Paarbeziehungen" bevölkert würden.
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population. |
Etter said workers thought they were pumping the fuel into a generator, but the generator had been removed.
Space may become a war zone in the not-too-distant future, a senior US military officer said today, hours after China became only the third country after the US and the former Soviet Union to put a man in space.
"They can see that one of the ways that they can certainly diminish our capabilities will be to attack the space systems," said Anderson, who was formerly with US Space Command.
Staunton graduates are expected to go to college or work. About half of Hampton graduates go to work, while the rest move into the care of local agencies or group homes.
Federal law requires schools to provide access to children with disabilities. Only if teachers and parents agree that the local system cannot give a child an appropriate education can they consider outside placements.
Rarely have we made that recommendation," said Billy Ritter, vision specialist for Prince William schools, which sent three of its 188 hearing and visually impaired students to Staunton last year and one to Hampton. "It's both that we're very confident in services for our children and we feel that if students are going to live and function in a community, they should live in that community."
Fairfax County sent three of its 740 hearing or visually impaired students to Staunton last year and seven to Hampton. Those who stay home have a range of options, including classes taught by special teachers, interpreters to accompany them to classes and classes taught in sign language.
Ok, I just realized that I have never tried to e-mail my posts. According to blogger that is possible so I am trying to do that….