Wednesday, June 25, 2003

I'm back

I apologize for not posting for a while, but Blogger didn't work...Who would have thought???
Not that I had anything profound to say/write anyway, so I guess it's OK.

Friday, June 20, 2003

Friday Five

Answer the following five questions in your weblog or journal. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post (or just leave your answers in the comments section).

1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?
It's pretty straight, maybe somewhat wavy...

2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime?
It was always short. Then, when I was about 12 I decided to let it grow. I then had very, very long hair, and had ALL cut off when I was 20 (really short). Now I am letting it grow again and swore to never ever cut it off again....

3. How do your normally wear your hair?
Pony tail.

4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?
Thicker hair, maybe longer....

5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened?
No, not that I can remember.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Astra schmeckt ja sowieso besser

Da hat die Holsten Brauerei wohl ein Problem.....aber ich mag ja Astra sowieso viel lieber. Das ist eben ein Pauli-Bier!!!!
Sogar nach dem Motto "Holsten knallt am dollsten".

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Winds of Change - Error: 404

via PapaScott

Ich bin ja schon immer schnell gegangen

Und jetzt weiss ich auch warum:
Weil ich optimistisch in die Zukunft sehe!!!!
Sehr interessant.
Also, aus'n Weg Ihr pessimistischen Lahmaersche!!!!!!!

- N-TV

Madonna image in Hospital window

Ok, I looked at the picture and what bothers me is that this is supposed to bea hospital butb yet the wondow is so dirty. Isn't there a health code violation here????


- Ananova

Another Indian marriage..between Donkeys

I don't know, but like I said earlier, differnt cultures have different customs......

- Ananova

Andere Laender, andere Sitten.....

Ok, I can see that other cultures have differnt customes, but what really throws me off on this one is....why would you need money to have you daughter marry a dog?

- Ananova

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

17. Juni 1953 Teil 2 / Part 2

As I posted yesterday today is the 50th anniversary of the workers' uprising in Berlin.
Haiko Hebig has a very interesting collection of information, pictures, and links
- via PapaScott

I am going to be a weather-woman

That must be the greatest job in the world....
You say how YOU THINK the weather is going to be and if you say it'll be sunny and then it rains, nobody cares. You keep your job even though you are completely clueless. perfect.
the only thing weather forecasters are right about is the CURRENT weather, which I can see (feel) for myself and I don't need some stupid idiot to tell me.
I love one expression one of the local ones used last year: "zone of uncertainty" , that is true.

Well, I just wanted to post something and I couldn't think of anything. So, since the weather is so perfect here in wonderful DC, that was the only topic coming to my mind.

Is he really lucky?????

This guy went through a lot. I don't know if I would call him lucky....maybe, but it seems he had to endure a lot so far.
Well, it's a good story anyway.
Funny, it makes you think if there is really something such as fate???????

Monday, June 16, 2003

17. Juni 1953 / June 17th 1953

N-TV hat eine gute Bilderserie in Gedenken an den 17. Juni vor 50 Jahren.....
Sehr lesenswert.

Deutsche Welle has something about it in English.
It really is very interesting and worth to take the time to read it.

Hab meine Wunschliste schon fertig!!!!!

Also, da ich ja in genau 46 Tagen auf meinem Weg nach "good-old Germany" bin, musste ich mich ja mal langsam beeilen meiner Mutter zu sagen, was ich gerne essen moechte in der dafuer zu kurzen Woche.
Also, da haette ich gerne Kartoffelsalat, Nudelsalat, Buletten (!!!!), und auch die leckeren Nudeln mit der Tomatensauce, bitte...hmmmm, was denn sonst noch? Ach ja, ein schoener Kuchen, bitte, keine Kartoffelsuppe.....
Dann muss ich auch noch meine anderen auswertigen kulinarischen Suechte befriedigen.....Mindestenes einmal Doener (natuerlich nur in der Schanze) essen....und auch eine Croque muss sein.....
Dann werde ich nach einer Woche 10 Kilo schwerer wieder zureuck nach Amiland kommen aber das nehme ich gerne in Kauf.
Ach ja, da ich ja den Zeitpunkt genau richtig geplant habe werde ich mich auch auf dem Hamburger Dom richtig vollstopfen koennen. Man wird mich dann auch im Bayrischen Zelt finden.

Hab vergessen zu erwaehnen, dass der Goettergatte gerne 4 Mohnschnecken als Souvenir haben moechte...naja, dann darf ich bloss nicht die Ziplockbeutel vergessen!!!!!

This is just disgusting

Ok, I could even believe that it is possible to become pregnant at 80, but just thinking about this 80-year old woman and her 85-year old husband together.........


Friday, June 13, 2003

Off for the weekend!!!!

Ok, I am done for this week.
I will be back on Monday. Enjoy your weekend.

Friday Five

Answer the following five questions in your weblog or journal. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post (or just leave your answers in the comments section).

1. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?
Bungee Jumping.
I know a lot of people might say that but I really always wanted to do it and tried but something always went wrong and I couldn't do it. Now I gave up. Maybe one day I'll get the opportunity and I will just jump.

2. When someone asks your opinion about a new haircut/outfit/etc, are you always honest?
I try to but in a nice way. it depends on the person. Some people do not take it well and then I just try to make them feel long as they don't look completely stupid, then I have to tell them.

3. Have you ever found out something about a friend and then wished you hadn't? What happened?
I don't think so. I can't recall anything like that every happen to me. Sorry.

4. If you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why?
Kafka describes really interesting "worlds" and I think I would enjoy to be in it, but only for a certain amount of time.

5. What's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted?
Playing the piano. I have a very good friend whose dad played the piano in Jazz bars and she started when she was 6. I always make her play something for me when I see her. It sounds so beautiful.

It's official

I am going to Germany this summer!!!!!!!
I am so thrilled I could pee my pants. Went online this morning and booked everything and now I only need those tickets in my hand and I am complete. Finally, after 2 1/2 years I am going to Germany!!!!! It will be so much fun, seeing my family and friends.
Even though, it's only a week I will enjoy it!!!!!
What a great way to start the weekend.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Sadness from the sandbox

LT Smash has a very sad story about a Sergeant in his camp. It's not very long so you have to read it.
How can anyone do this? I feel so sorry for that woman. here she is, fighting for other peoles' freedom and that is what she gets. Makes me sick.

Site Meter Info

I just played around with my site meter a little and found out that I can see where the (few) people that ever visited this site are at. There are some in Asia and South America, which I did not expect at all. But then, we're on the Internet so I guess you should expect that. It just surprised me and I would like to welcome anyone from anywhere that is lucky enough to come across this little blog. Thank you.

Schon wieder ein Busunfall

Diesmal in der Naehe von Karlsruhe...
Zum Glueck haben all ueberlebt als ein Bus, beladen mit Schuelern, mit einem Sattelschlepper zusammstiess.
Langsam ist es endlich genug mit den ganzen Busunfaellen, obwohl es in diesem Fall ein Kleinbus war.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Dann kann das mit der Wirtschaft ja gar nicht so schlimm sein!!!!

N-TV berichtet, dass das Hochpronzentige in ist.....

Another accident

The Washington Post reports that another train accident killed six people in Germany.
I don't know, but it seems like train and bus accidents seem to become an everyday event now....
Yesterday I heard on the local Hamburg radio station Radio Hamburg that many buses were checked yesterday and most of them had something wrong with them!! One driver was even drunk!!! I can't find a story on this but I will provide a link if I find one.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Something is going there......

I just read a breaking news headline (sorry no link yet) on N-TV that there was an explosion at some festival in Frankfurt and several people are injured.
This follows the bomb at the Dresden train station last Friday and the bomb scare today at the Cologne train station...

More later.....

I apologize. it was an accident.
Here is the link on N-TV (Sorry it's in German)

St. Pauli: Lizenz sicher

Da faellt mir aber ein Stein vom Herzen.
Der FC St. Pauli ist eines der Dinge, die ich am meisten vermisse. Ich habe mit 15 angefangen regelmaessig zu Heimspielen zu gehen (Nordkurve natuerlich) und habe den ersten Aufstieg in die 1. Bundesliga (mit 1. meine ich zu meinen Fussbalzeiten) miterlebt; und auch die Abstiege. Bis ans Ende meiner Hamburger Tage war ich stolze Dauerkartenbesitzerin (natuerlich Schuelerkarte) und vermisse es schrecklich, staendig in Hamburg zu sein wenn mal nicht gespielt ist (wie auch diesen Sommer).
Pauli ist das Beste, was Hamburg hat und irgendwann werden wir wieder "Nie mehr 2. Liga bzw. Regional-Liga" singen koennen.
You'll never walk alone!

-Hamburger Abendblatt

Wenn Ihr mal Zeit und Lust habt...schaut Euch die Seite der Paulizei mal an.

Monday, June 09, 2003

Must be a German thing....

I swear this happened to me before. I was working at a supermarket when I was in school and one night my boss just walked out and locked me and my friend in the store. So we opened the door to the office and triggered the alarm while my boss was still in the parking lot and was abkle to let us out and call police not to come.
I know this is different but it reminded me of that one time.....


Guten Morgen!!!

Und das Wochenende ist schon wieder vorbei. Naja, was soll's. In 5 Tagen ist ja wieder ein Neues....
Jetzt geht es wieder an die Arbeit, wo man so viel Energie angespart hat, so dass man jetzt voller Elan produktiv sein kann!!!!!!

Friday, June 06, 2003

Ok, I know I am a little late,but was looking around to see what other nations had to say about yesterday's death of the former German politician. It was very interesting to see what the different media outlets had to say about his person.

Washington Post:
Juergen Moellemann, 57, a former government minister accused of injecting anti-Semitism into last year's German election campaign and implicated in a party funding scandal, died in a parachute jump June 5 while prosecutors searched his home for evidence of financial wrongdoing.

The Arab world has lost a friend, supporter and businessman with the death of former German politician Juergen Moellemann.
Arab politicians and business partners in the Mideast welcomed his critical stance towards Israel, which caused political uproar in Germany last year and eventually led to his downfall.
The Arab world has lost a friend, supporter and businessman with the death of former German politician Juergen Moellemann.
"As president of the German-Arab society, Moellemann was a great advocate of Arab issues and has done a lot to promote economics," said Peter Goepfrich, head of the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Cairo.

Now those are only the beginnings of the articles but they are introducing the reader to Moellemann.

I just thought this was very interesting to see and since it is a very big topic in Germany right now I am somewhat interested in it as well.
I just wrote this very intelligent-sounding post and then my Internet explorer just closed....everything was gone. I had never written so much before and never anything so smart.
So, now I have to write it all over again........

Update: I swear I am really upset now.....I just wrote the whole thing again and posted it...and then I edited it and it's gone again.

Update II: Well, I juts realized that eventually it did post, but not until 10:47 PM?? I was surely not up and posting that late on a Friday. Well, I don't care. So I have it posted twice. Better luck next time.

I'm done

Ok, I think I'm done here,. I will log out and prepare myself for the weekend and will hopefully post again on Monday.


Mir ist langweilig.
Ich muss heute laenger auf Arbeit bleiben.
Wir haben eine Hotline auf Arbeit die Leute anrufen koennen und da es der Moral gut tut das Wochenende frueher zu starten, wurde beschlossen, dass Freitag's alle frueher gehen koennen und zwei Leute laenger bzw. bis zum normalen Arbeitsende bleiben. Und heute bin ich die Gleuckliche. Das dumme ist, dass ich immer frueher gehe, weil ich frueher komme und so bin ich es gewoehnt jetzt in der U-Bahn oder Metro zu sitzen und mich auf mein Wochenende zu freuen. Naja, so lange es nur alle 6 Wochen sind ist es ja OK.
Jetzt sitz ich hier rum und weiss nicht was ich tun soll. Natuerlich koennte ich nochmal so richtig produktiv sein, aber das ist sehr schwer an einem Freitag Nachmittag. Zumal das Wetter sehr gut ist, was in letzter Zeit sehr selten vorkommt. Naja, so werde ich den Abend geniessen und auf meiner Terasse sitzen und mir ein Steak reinziehen und mich auf den morgigen Regen freuen....

e-mail posting

I don't think I like posting via e-mail, though because it completely messed up the HTML. Putting links in there doesn't seem like a good idea to me since it took me forever to fix everything.
So, I guess I"ll only do it if I really have to.

Death of Juergen Moellemann

I know I am a little late with this but I look around today to see what other nations had to say about the sudden death of the former German politician. It is very interesting to see the differences.
I put together some examples from around the world here:

Expatica, Cairo:
The Arab world has lost a friend, supporter and businessman with the death of former German politician Juergen Moellemann.
Arab politicians and business partners in the Mideast welcomed his critical stance towards Israel, which caused political uproar in Germany last year and eventually led to his downfall.
"As president of the German-Arab society, Moellemann was a great advocate of Arab issues and has done a lot to promote economics", said Peter Goepfrich, head of the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Cairo.

Washington Post, Washington, DC:
Juergen Moellemann, 57, a former government minister accused of injecting anti-Semitism into last year's German election campaign and implicated in a party funding scandal, died in a parachute jump June 5 while prosecutors searched his home for evidence of financial wrongdoing.

Deutsch Welle:
Disgraced German politician dies in parachute jump
Juergen Meollemann, one of Germany's most controversial politicians, has fallen to his death in a parachute jump. Police are investigating the incident. His death came within hours of his home in Muenster, in the west of Germany, being raided and searched by prosecutors probing allegations he violated party funding rules. This followed closely on a ruling by the German parliament lifting his immunity from prosecution. He was a leading member of Germany's Free Democrat Party, but he quit in March over charges of anti-Semitism and irregular party funding. Eyewitnesses at the jump near the western town of Marl said Moellemann, an experienced skydiver who had served as a paratrooper in the German army, probably killed himself. Prosecutors had been investigating whether he hid party donations that financed a campaign leaflet criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Just a try....

Ok, I just realized that I have never tried to e-mail my posts. According to blogger that is possible so I am trying to do that….

UPDATE: It works!!!!

Very interesting story

Rachel Lucas and OTB are both discussing a surprising story at UPI about the rising number of Jews returning to Germany.
If you have only a limited amount of time today to read anything, read it.

Now I understand!!!!

Dr Neal Barnard is trying to tell me that I am addicted to cheese. Well, certainly my husband would agree with that. Especially when I am sitting down with a nice glass of wine and my beloved gouda cheese (extra soft) and finish the whole piece by the end of the night....
So what? I am a junkie.

- Ananova

Needed a little change....

Well, as you can see, I needed a little change. I liked the template I used before but it was very confusing to work with. So I thought I should use something a little more simple and it works great. I have two blogrolls now. I basically split them up so that the German blogs are separate. Note: not all "German blogs" are in Germany, some are just based in Germany and discuss this.
So, I hope you like it. I do.