Friday, August 29, 2003

Anonymous men in dark suits.  You can and do go pretty much anywhere and blend in.  CIA is terrified of you.  You always seem to have people in place at the appropriate time.  What'
You are Them

What Paranoid Conspiracy Theory Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Friday Five

1. Are you going to school this year?
No, not really. I am taking some online preparation courses for some certificates.
I just graduated in January.

2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?
I went to George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?
In High School I always loved Math, Chemistry, and PE.

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?
I hated French, but mainly because of this stupid teacher I had.

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?
I have a couple of teachers and professors that I really like. My High School class still meets with my last HS teacher every year. Unfortunately I don't live in Germany anymore but in the US so I am never able to attend.
I just like when a teacher loves teaching and doesn't see it as a job to make money. You can tell when someone likes to teach.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Lights out in London

Just came across this on Sky News. The US doesn't seem to be the only nation that has a power problem. But, of course, we don't know yet what exactly happened.

A Tube spokesman said: "There has been a National Grid failure which has affected the underground.

The failure is thought to have happened at around 6.15pm.

A spokesman for electricity network operator EDF Energy said: "We have lost supplies to large parts of south London in the last few minutes as a result of a National Grid failure supply in the south London area.

UPDATE: Seems like the power is back on in London.

List of books I have read so far (this year):

(not in any particular order)

- by John Grisham:
"The Summons"
"The Partner"
"The Runaway Jury"
"A Time to Kill"
"The Street Lawyer"
"The Testament"
"The Brethren"
"A Painted House"

...I think that's it for now?

- by David Lodge:
"Small World"
"Changing Places"
"Nice Work"
"Paradise News"

- by Stephen Fry:

- by George Orwell:
"Animal Farm"

I know there are more, but I have to get it all together.
To be continued...

New Feature

I was really bored today, so I added a few more things to this blog to make it...more interesting, I guess.
I added The Weather Pixie, which I always thought, was kind of cool. I also out on the left bar, way below my links and everything else, a link to the book I am currently reading.
Right now it is 1984 by George Orwell.
I start a new book about every two weeks. I have never read this many books in my life, but ever since I started working I am in the Metro about 2 hours each day and I read....
So, if anyone wants to comment/discuss the books that I have read/am currently reading, or even suggest a book, please feel free to do so.

I will soon try to post a list of books I have read since the beginnig of the year.

Hier bin ich am Samstag

...aber das ist, was der Wetterfrosch sagt....
Na, dann mal Prost!

Shall I stay or shall I go???

Ok, wir sind gerade so am ueberlegen, ob es nicht besser waer ein Haeusele zu kaufen anstatt das Geld zum Fenster rauszuschmeissen. Und so kamen wir zu dem Entschluss, dass das gar nicht mal so schlecht waer.
Nur das Problem ist, dass die Haeuser hier total teuer sind. Also nicht teuer, weil wir kein Geld haben sondern teuer weil alle hier wohnen wollen. Da ich keine halbe Million fuer ein Reihenhaus habe und auch gar nicht ausgeben moechte, werden wir wohl weit(er) weg ziehen muessen.
Das wuerde dann heissen, dass ich den Nahverkehrszug nehmen darf, was mich ca. 200 Dollar im Monat kosten wird. Aber immerhim werden wir unserem eigenem Heim wohnen bzw. uebernachten.
Toll, immer diese Entscheidungen.

Hamburg kann man ja nur lieben

Ist doch klar, dass alle nach Hamburg wollen. Wo soll man denn sonst hin...nach Muenchen?????
Berlin kann man ja noch verstehen, aber das liegt vielleicht daran, dass ich ganz tief drinnen ne Berliner Pflanze bin und die Preussen moegen die Bazis ja eh nicht.


Zugegeben, dass war nur ein kleiner Erfolg fuer den FC St. Pauli, aber immerhin....

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

"No smiling!" - Kanadier dürfen auf Passfotos nicht mehr lachen

Na und?
Ich persoenlich finde es gar nicht mal so ne schlechte Idee. Ich kenn zwar keine Kanadier (glaub ich), aber wenn die genauso bloed lachen, wie viele Amerikaner, find ich es eigentlich ganz gut. Ich weiss gar nicht wer denen erzaehlt hat, dass man so viel moeglich von seinem Gebiss bei jedem Foto zeigen soll....

Monday, August 25, 2003

Back to Work!!!

Too bad that the weekend is over.

This weekend was so much fun. On Saturday we went to the Farmer's Market in Old Towne Alexandria, VA. Anybody that lives in the DC Metro Area needs to go there. It's early (6AM to 9AM),but it's worth it. They have really nice flowers, pastries and all kinds of other stuff. It's around the fountain in front of the courthouse (?).
We then went to Annapolis, MD. That is such a great city. We had the best lunch ever and enjoyed the best weather possible. I never had a whole crab before. I am not really the biggest seafood fan, but I just loved it. I don't know why we never went before. It is so close.

Well, next Saturday we'll go to King's Dominion!!!! Right now, they say it's supposed to rain, but I am still hoping.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Ananova - Bus passengers suffered frostbite on hot summer day

I knew that air-conditioners are dangerous.
It is so hot and humid outside and everyday I am frezing my a** of when I am in the office.

Medizinisches Rätsel: Thailänder lacht sich zu Tode - Panorama - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Heute ist ja wirklich was los.

Schweinerei: Jäger verwechselt junge Frau mit Wildsau - Panorama - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Und noch ein Artikel aus dem Spiegel..

Die Frau moechte ich mal sehen, wenn sie mit einem Wildschwein verwechselt wurde.

Hamburger Schlammschlacht: Schill will von Beust anzeigen - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Und so geht die ganze Geschichte weiter...
Mal sehen, was als naechstes kommt.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

FIA decision on Ralf Schumacher

Well, in my opinion it could have been better, but at least Ralf gets to start whatever position he will qualify at on Saturday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Ralf Schumacher Challenges FIA Penalty in Paris

In other news.....
This weekend will finally be another Formula One race in Hungary. I am anxious to see if Ralf's appeal will work. In my own opinion it wasn't his fault at all. Well we'll see Wednesday afternoon, when the FIA will announce its decision.
For more information about Formula One, I find this site really good...Especially the live ticker.

Hamburg Mayor von Beust Fires Coalition Partner Ronald Schill

Here is what I could find in English on about the current events in Hamburg, Germany.
MSNBC also has a story about it.

Von Beust entlässt Innensenator Schill

Mensch, da ist ja richtig was los in Hamburg.
Habe gerade mein Radio Hamburg uebers Internet eingeschaltet und hoere die Nachrichten und hab auch schon bei Nico den Stand der Dinge erfahren.
Wurde ja meiner Meinung nach langsam mal Zeit.

UPDATE: Hier nochmal ein bisschen mehr zu der ganzen Sache aus dem Spiegel.
Jetzt wird davon geredet Schill rechtilich wegen Erpressung zu verfolgen. Ich bin ja gespannt, was in naechster Zeit noch so alles kommt.....

UPDATE II: Die MoPo hat eine relativ gute Chronologie zusammengefasst, die sich mit der ganzen Affaire um Wellinghausen etc. befasst.

Monday, August 18, 2003 - Nachrichten - Hamburg feierte sein Bier

So haette ich ja gerne auch mein Wochenende verlebt. Astra ist eben das allerbeste was es gibt. Kein Wunder, dass diese Bier auch seinen eigenen Tag hat.

Friday, August 15, 2003

I am back!!!!!

Well...I have been back for a couple of days, but I didn't really feel like posting anything...

But I had a lot of fun last week in good-old-Germany. One week is way too short. So, I am planning my trip for Christmas, which should keep me busy for a while.
I just can't wait until I finally move back. Its funny, because I tell people, and they don't understand. I hear "Well, don't you like it here?" Yes, I love it, but I am sooooooooooo far away from everybody over there that I could live in paradise and I still would want to go back. So, I will just do about 2 years or so.

Anyway, just wanted to post real quick before this week is over.