So I went to the dentist and got butchered. The sedation finally wore off and now, that I got some Advil in me, I feel much better.
So, what to do with the rest of the day?
24 minutes ago
E-mail Blogeline at Blogeline at gmail dot com
BERLIN - Police in the northern German city of Hamburg said Friday they had called off a large-scale search for three men overheard talking in Arabic at a bus stop about becoming "heroes before Allah."
One of the men was alleged to have said, "We will stand tomorrow as heroes before Allah."
Police spokeswoman Ulrike Sweden said the search was abandoned during the night with no results but police would continue to work with tips from the public.
He said police would not have reacted the same way to similar information two years ago but that their approach has changed, particularly in light of July‘s London bombings.
Police in Hamburg launched a massive search for three men overheard talking in Arabic at a bus stop about "heroism before Allah".I know this is just a wittiness saying what he heard, but this is Hamburg and I am a little concerned as to what they find out.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative U.S. evangelist Pat Robertson, who called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, said on Wednesday he was misinterpreted and there were a number of ways to "take him out" including kidnapping.
PARIS (AP) - The director of the Tour de France claims Lance Armstrong has "fooled" the sports world and that the seven-time champion owes fans an explanation over new allegations he used a performance-boosting drug.
LONDON (Reuters) - Seven-times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has denied ever taking performance-enhancing drugs following a report in French newspaper L'Equipe that he had used the blood-boosting drug EPO in 1999.
(KCBS) - An explosion shook office buildings near Post and Kearny streets in downtown San Francisco shortly before ten o'clock Friday morning.
San Francisco fire department captain Pete Howes told KCBS a man hole cover in front of the Ralph Lauren store at the corner of Post and Kearny appeared to have exploded, although the exact cause of the blast is under investigation.
One of Germany’s most famous wines is Liebfraumilch. However, its fame remains restricted to export markets and very few Germans would even consider buying bottle for even everyday consumption. This medium dry, fragrant, light, and quaffable wine is originally from the vineyards surrounding the Liebfrauenstift Church (Church of Our Lady) on the outskirts of the town of Worms on the Rhine River.
Panthers Pummel Redskins 28-10
ROCHELLE, Ga. — A doctor is accused of assisting an unlicensed practitioner who allegedly treats cancer patients with a flesh-eating herbal paste that leaves them with horrible disfigurements, including mutilated breasts.