I just have to go...
Great too that today we had new locks installed in our house and I don't have keys and my husband just left, warning me that I might have to wait for a couple of minutes....Right.
9 hours ago
E-mail Blogeline at Blogeline at gmail dot com
1. Ask me three questions (use the comments below, or send an email). These questions can be about anything at all. No subject is taboo.
2. In a future post (or posts if it takes more than one) I will answer your questions and be as honest as I can possibly be.
3. Along with your questions and my answers I will post a link to the person's weblog who asked me the questions.
4. After you ask me your questions cut and paste this text on your own weblog allowing other to ask you questions, which you will answer honestly in future posts (etc.)
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Fun for all!
Proving that males are a biological frill, Japanese and Korean scientists have created a healthy mouse born with no male genetic material at all.
Germany may be the land of the $100,000 Mercedes-Benz land yacht, but it's also a land of ebbing wealth, where less than a fifth of the population has discretionary income of more than $375 a month, where even haut bourgeois families will lay out for a fancy car but stint on the staples. Thus Aldi stores are found not only in working-class neighborhoods but also in wealthy communities like Bad Homburg, a Frankfurt suburb where the Aldi parking lot is thick with BMWs and Mercedes. A cookbook devoted to recipes using Aldi ingredients has sold 1 million copies, and there is even a connoisseur's guide to Aldi wines, which often sell for a few dollars a bottle. A recent survey by Nuremberg-based market researcher GfK found that Aldi is Germany's third-most-respected corporate brand, just behind electronics giant Siemens (SI ) and auto maker BMW -- and ahead of DaimlerChrysler (DCX ).
The board of directors of McDonald's Corp. named Charlie Bell as chief executive after Jim Cantalupo, the leader of the fast-food chain's recent turnaround, died of an apparent heart attack Monday.
The body of a Spanish police officer who was killed in a raid on suspected Islamic terrorists was removed from its tomb Sunday night, dragged across a cemetery, doused with gasoline and burned, a Spanish police official told CNN.
Sie seien "überfordert" gewesen, sagten die vier Geschwister dem Richter. Deshalb musste eine 81-jährige Frau sterben - sie verhungerte, weil ihre Kinder sich nicht mehr um sie kümmerten.
Houston high school students who've failed core subjects such as English or math would get to move on to the next grade under a proposal HISD trustees are considering as part of the district's effort to reduce its dropout rate.