Well, it has been over for a while, but I was waiting for the second test results to make sure it’s really true.
It worked! We’re actually pregnant.
I still can’t really believe it, but it is slowly sinking in. I am going to be real mom!! Amazing.
Now, of course I am waiting for the next appointment, which will be the very first Ultra Sound. I am also looking for signs and changes, so I am over-interpreting every kind of pinch or pain I feel. So far everything is OK though. According to my calculations I am 4 weeks, 5 days pregnant. Just about 35 or 36 more weeks to go!!!!
9 hours ago
This is Veronica. I responded to your blog. I'm so happy for you. I'm sure it feels wonderful to finally get that result after the frustration of being on the infertility journey. If you don'rt mind, I have a couple of questions:
1) How did you get to go through IVF orientation? I was under the impression that a doctor had to recommend you for IVF. I'm currently being seen at Wilford Hall, and I asked the doctor if he would go ahead and recommend me for IVF since we're moving to Andrews AFB next month. He was like, "No, we're still thinking you're a good candidate for ovulation induction." I have PCOS, and IUIs are difficult because they're afraid of overstilmulating me. I would be so relieved to try a procedure that has a higher success rate and one where it's OK to have several eggs mature. So, did you have to have a doctor recommend you? Or, did you call Walter Reed and say that you were interested in IVF and wanted to try it? I want to get this bandwagon rolling!!
BTW, I'm on my second attempt at IUI; the first attempt was cancelled b/c of an estradiol drop, so maybe I'll have better luck this time around.
Congrats and good luck to you!!!
BTW, I tried e-mailing you, but the address kept preventing the email from going through. I'd love to hear from you. My email asddress is: vbaker14@mail.accd.edu
And good luck to you too V!
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