8 hours ago
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Better Late Than Never
So, guess what!?!
I had a baby! Yepp, the little guy decided to surprise us 5 weeks and a day early on 18 June, which makes him just about 2 1/2 months old now.
I am just finally able to start updating this blog, so whoever is reading this, please be patient....
I had a baby! Yepp, the little guy decided to surprise us 5 weeks and a day early on 18 June, which makes him just about 2 1/2 months old now.
I am just finally able to start updating this blog, so whoever is reading this, please be patient....
Friday, May 23, 2008
Better Late Than Never
OK, so the newest Carnival of the Recipes has been up for a few days over here at Thrive!. This is the Comfort-Foods Edition, so get comfy and enjoy!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
Carnival of the Recipes
OK, I haven done this in a long time, but now, since I am more into food than anything else, here it goes:
The Carnival of the Recipes is up over at Everything And Nothing. This is the Made-With-Love Edition. Enjoy.
Now I just have to find the energy to post a recipe and maybe some day I can host one too....
The Carnival of the Recipes is up over at Everything And Nothing. This is the Made-With-Love Edition. Enjoy.
Now I just have to find the energy to post a recipe and maybe some day I can host one too....
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Not much
I know I am boring, but really besides getting ready for our little guy; my life has not much to offer these days. So, rather than to bore you with details about strollers, changing tables and breast pumps, I try to find something else to write about, which probably won’t happen as that would take time and effort and currently I have neither. How come, I am so busy all the time these days and there is no end in sight? It seems my to-do lists keep getting longer and every day I remember something else I forgot to do. Oh well, I’ll get over it.
Friday, March 28, 2008
5 Years
That's how long it took me to remember my blogoversary on the exact day. I am so proud of myself:)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Our little Man
Monday, March 10, 2008
It's a Boy!
I have been so busy I completely forgot to post that we found out we're having a boy! We both were secretly hoping for a boy, although I tried really hard to be impartial. The health is what matters, but we are just so excited to have a little guy running around the house soon. Now we have to pick a sport:)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bad parent?
Ok, so we have decided to go ahead and push all involved parties hard to find a group home for my now 21 year old stepson. As a recap he has Septo Optic Dysplasia, a developmental disability that can have varying degrees of severity or so it seems. In his case, he his legally blind, although he has some minimal peripheral vision. He has several medical conditions, including diabetes insipidus. He is also adrenaline deficient. On top of all of that he is also mentally retarded, as if being blind wasn’t enough.
We are lucky that we live in a County that has services for the disabled; however trying to utilize these is a challenge at times. Dealing with the school system alone is hard enough, especially transportation, so our first hurdle was to find him a place after school as we both work full time. There is after school care for disabled students in the County, however we would have to provide transportation. I know, makes sense right? So, for about 4 months last year we arranged for him to go to a local nursing home at $50 a day. That almost fell through as the nursing home, which is located 5 walking minutes from our house, is not within his school’s boundaries and his (stupid) bus driver refused to drive him there at first. After paying thousands of Dollars to them we though that there must be a better solutions and utilized the services of the Department for the Aging and Disabled. See, we tried to get him into, what is called, the Community Services Board, but they usually don’t accept people until after they age out of school at 23, but we wanted him covered anyway. So, the Aging and Disabled people were able to sign us up with a service that sends a nurse or a caretaker to our house to pick him up from the school bus and stay with him until we come home. As the funding is low for these services through the County, the services is as expected and we spent many hours away from work at home over the last few months.
Well now after almost 9 months the Community Service Board which hands out MR (mentally retardation?) waivers is finally getting started and one of their main services is to provide housing in group homes. The system sucks as the only time new spots open is if someone leaves. They have found a temporary bed at a respite care facility until a spot in a group home opens up, and so we visited them yesterday and are very impressed. The house is newly renovated and very clean. Tonight he will have dinner with them and once school transportation is taken care of he will move in.
Now, to the topic of this post, does that make us bad parents? I know he is at an age when people usually move out any way, but his situation is different. He needs to be among peers and someplace where he will stay and can get used to. We can’t wait with that until we’re not there anymore and he is 60 having to adjust to such a new environment. We know this is the right move, especially since we are seriously considering spending a few years overseas with the baby and this is no place for a person with so many medical needs. It just feels strange.
We are lucky that we live in a County that has services for the disabled; however trying to utilize these is a challenge at times. Dealing with the school system alone is hard enough, especially transportation, so our first hurdle was to find him a place after school as we both work full time. There is after school care for disabled students in the County, however we would have to provide transportation. I know, makes sense right? So, for about 4 months last year we arranged for him to go to a local nursing home at $50 a day. That almost fell through as the nursing home, which is located 5 walking minutes from our house, is not within his school’s boundaries and his (stupid) bus driver refused to drive him there at first. After paying thousands of Dollars to them we though that there must be a better solutions and utilized the services of the Department for the Aging and Disabled. See, we tried to get him into, what is called, the Community Services Board, but they usually don’t accept people until after they age out of school at 23, but we wanted him covered anyway. So, the Aging and Disabled people were able to sign us up with a service that sends a nurse or a caretaker to our house to pick him up from the school bus and stay with him until we come home. As the funding is low for these services through the County, the services is as expected and we spent many hours away from work at home over the last few months.
Well now after almost 9 months the Community Service Board which hands out MR (mentally retardation?) waivers is finally getting started and one of their main services is to provide housing in group homes. The system sucks as the only time new spots open is if someone leaves. They have found a temporary bed at a respite care facility until a spot in a group home opens up, and so we visited them yesterday and are very impressed. The house is newly renovated and very clean. Tonight he will have dinner with them and once school transportation is taken care of he will move in.
Now, to the topic of this post, does that make us bad parents? I know he is at an age when people usually move out any way, but his situation is different. He needs to be among peers and someplace where he will stay and can get used to. We can’t wait with that until we’re not there anymore and he is 60 having to adjust to such a new environment. We know this is the right move, especially since we are seriously considering spending a few years overseas with the baby and this is no place for a person with so many medical needs. It just feels strange.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sick of it
Winter that is.
I am so ready for spring and sun and green trees and flowering plants. This area sucks when it comes to the weather because we get teased. Today is not that bad with 45 degrees or so, but those days when it's in the 60s o even 70s, just to bring us an ice storm the next day, are the worst. I know winter isn't over until the end of March, but please.
OK, I am done complaining about the weather now.
I am so ready for spring and sun and green trees and flowering plants. This area sucks when it comes to the weather because we get teased. Today is not that bad with 45 degrees or so, but those days when it's in the 60s o even 70s, just to bring us an ice storm the next day, are the worst. I know winter isn't over until the end of March, but please.
OK, I am done complaining about the weather now.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
18 week already!
Holy cow, I can’t believe I am into the 5th month already. I ordered the crib/bassinet last week and am patiently waiting to finally get it. This is, to date, the only baby purchase we have made. Every time I go to a baby store and see all those cute clothes I just can’t get myself to buy anything. I think once we know if it’s a boy or a girl, I will feel better about buying clothes.
It’s getting a little stressy too. There are classes to register for and baby registries to set up. I was thinking about a blog or some sort of online baby photo thing. I want to call a photographer and I am sure I am forgetting half my list here, but at least I’m busy and not twiddling my thumbs.
So far I love being pregnant and, I’m sorry, I can’t understand anybody that does not like it. I have been lucky though as so far the only really bothersome thing is my back that’s starting to hurt. But, I just started Yoga anyway, so that helps a lot. There is not one thing I would change right now, other than the fact that I finally want to meet my baby. It drives me nuts sometimes to think that it’s so close to me and I don’t know what he or she looks like, but that day will get here soon and so I am content for now.
It’s getting a little stressy too. There are classes to register for and baby registries to set up. I was thinking about a blog or some sort of online baby photo thing. I want to call a photographer and I am sure I am forgetting half my list here, but at least I’m busy and not twiddling my thumbs.
So far I love being pregnant and, I’m sorry, I can’t understand anybody that does not like it. I have been lucky though as so far the only really bothersome thing is my back that’s starting to hurt. But, I just started Yoga anyway, so that helps a lot. There is not one thing I would change right now, other than the fact that I finally want to meet my baby. It drives me nuts sometimes to think that it’s so close to me and I don’t know what he or she looks like, but that day will get here soon and so I am content for now.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Mommy knows best!
Last night we were going to listen to the baby’s heartbeat again and my husband asked me where I thought the little one was. He or she had been pretty elusive lately. I pointed to a spot on my lower right side and sure enough, we got a strong heartbeat!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Stomach bug
Fortunately I was not the target of the above mentioned; however I was the designated cleaner of its effects.
I find it unfair to spring such a bug on a poor little (not really little anymore) handicapped blind guy on a Thursday morning, when all he wants to do is get on his school bus. Needless to say, the ER staff was very excited with his lack of fluids and all kinds of levels out of whack. The fever didn’t help either. The poor guy spent Thursday night at the Pediatric ICU at Walter Reed and then the rest of the weekend on the regular Pediatric Ward. They were getting ready to send him home a few times, but the bug would let them know, it was still around. Luckily now all is well and cleaned up at home too!
Schools are closed here today so he gets an extra day of rest.
What a weekend.
I find it unfair to spring such a bug on a poor little (not really little anymore) handicapped blind guy on a Thursday morning, when all he wants to do is get on his school bus. Needless to say, the ER staff was very excited with his lack of fluids and all kinds of levels out of whack. The fever didn’t help either. The poor guy spent Thursday night at the Pediatric ICU at Walter Reed and then the rest of the weekend on the regular Pediatric Ward. They were getting ready to send him home a few times, but the bug would let them know, it was still around. Luckily now all is well and cleaned up at home too!
Schools are closed here today so he gets an extra day of rest.
What a weekend.
Those are the beats per minute of our little one. We bought a digital Doppler so that we can listen to the heart beat whenever we want to, and whenever the little wiggle worm, lets us. When we first tried it Saturday we had no problem, but apparently yesterday’s high dose of chocolate milk put him or her in a mood to play hide and seek with us, but we got him! His or her Oma and Opa in Germany were also able to listen, so that was fun.
Other than that I feel OK. The first trimester came and went without much trouble. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones that did not have morning sickness and I appreciate that. Besides some cramps here and there, there is really not much going on, except for the growing belly, of course. I am now wearing mostly maternity clothes. Some of my work pants still fit, but maternity pants are so much more comfortable.
We received an offer in the mail for the 3D 4D ultrasound and since my OB doesn’t offer it to just anybody I think we may go for it. Now, I just need to find out the perfect time to do that so we get the best pictures ever. So, if any of you have an insight as to when that is, I would appreciate it.
Other than that I feel OK. The first trimester came and went without much trouble. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones that did not have morning sickness and I appreciate that. Besides some cramps here and there, there is really not much going on, except for the growing belly, of course. I am now wearing mostly maternity clothes. Some of my work pants still fit, but maternity pants are so much more comfortable.
We received an offer in the mail for the 3D 4D ultrasound and since my OB doesn’t offer it to just anybody I think we may go for it. Now, I just need to find out the perfect time to do that so we get the best pictures ever. So, if any of you have an insight as to when that is, I would appreciate it.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
As most expected, my nephew didn’t make it. He passed away Monday in Germany. At this point I don’t even know how to feel. How can I be happy when my brother and his wife are going through so much pain? I finally talked to my brother this morning and he did sound good. Better than expected, but I think at this point their emotions are just a rollercoaster. I just wish I could do more.
My Sister-in-Law is very adamant that I not be there for any of the memorial services and burial, as she is worried that it might affect our baby. While I don’t agree, I think it’s best to stay here. We went through this scenario a few years back when my grandmother had a stroke. To this day she is in a nursing home, without the ability to move. She lies in bed and is fed, which is not how anybody wants to see their grandma. Isn’t it strange that for some reason her life is being extended for so long, while my nephew’s life had barely begun?
My Sister-in-Law is very adamant that I not be there for any of the memorial services and burial, as she is worried that it might affect our baby. While I don’t agree, I think it’s best to stay here. We went through this scenario a few years back when my grandmother had a stroke. To this day she is in a nursing home, without the ability to move. She lies in bed and is fed, which is not how anybody wants to see their grandma. Isn’t it strange that for some reason her life is being extended for so long, while my nephew’s life had barely begun?
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